


  • 夏季学期的日期是什么时候?

    There are four sessions of different lengths during the 暑期班

    • 第一个6周的会议:5月13日至6月21日
      • 5月27日是阵亡将士纪念日,大学放假
      • 大学6月16日至6月19日休课
    • 第二次为期6周的会议:6月24日至8月2日
      • University Closed for Independence Day - July 4
    • 为期八周:六月三日至七月二十六日
      • 大学6月16日至6月19日休课
      • University Closed for Independence Day - July 4
    • 为期12周的会议:5月13日至8月2日
      • 5月27日是阵亡将士纪念日,大学放假
      • 大学6月16日至6月19日休课
      • University Closed for Independence Day - July 4

    Not all course dates follow the specific sessions. 有些课程是短期课程 and workshops that may be held for only one week. Please check the Special Term/Short Course Deadline Report for exact start and end 课程日期.

  • 谁可以在夏季学期上这门课?

    Current students wanting to further their education, high school students wanting to get a jump start 在ir college career or students from other institutions wanting to take advantage of our summer program.

    If you’re a currently enrolled student or have taken at least one class in the last 一年, your student account is active and you’re eligible to register for summer courses.

    If it’s been over a 一年 since you took a course,你的学生帐户是无效的. To re-activate it, you will have to complete and 提交 回国学生申请 Form. Reactivation takes approximately 24 hours, 不包括周末和节假日.

    如果你没在皇冠app官方版下载上过课,你必须填妥并递交 非学位的皇冠app官方版下载 application to begin an accelerated admissions process, verify your residency status for tuition purposes and activate a student account. 请预留72小时处理, 不包括周末和节假日.


  • 我什么时候可以注册暑期课程?

    登记 opens Monday, April 1 at 7:00 a.m. 您将通过大熊星座 - your注册 在线学生门户网站.

  • I have a registration hold; can I still register?

    No. Holds are restrictions that may prevent you from registering for classes and are placed on your student record at any time during the term. 它们被放在你的 record by various offices and are indicated when you attempt to register using 大熊星座. Holds are not an acceptable reason or justification for a late add.

    To clear a hold, contact the originating office. 联系方式见 大熊星座.

  • 我可以修多少学分?

    The maximum total course load for summer terms is 15 credits for Undergraduate students. 研究生最多12学分. 

    Exceptions to the maximum limits require an overload permit. 咨询电话:970-351-4862 or 司法常务官办公室.


